Have you considered writing a book? After becoming an author, I’ve concluded that no book is too expensive, lol. Okay, not literally, but I certainly better understand book pricing now. If there is an author you enjoy and if you can, just buy the book.
Coming up with an idea to write a book requires time, energy, and mental fortitude. Developing that idea takes about three times as much of the abovementioned components. Marketing the book after requires about 10 times the level of fortitude.
Before writing a book, I conducted research by speaking to many authors. I asked them about their biggest mistake, one regret, and their favorite tip to share with budding authors. Answers ranged from ordering too many books—thousands too many—to not having enough inventory beforehand. Some authors only wanted to go the traditional publishing route, while others intentionally self-published. I was warned of the dangers of vanity publishing and issues with print-on-demand platforms. The best piece of advice was that the work doesn’t stop once the book is written.
At times, I’ve likened writing this book to the birthing process. That analogy rings truer every day. It begins with the anticipation of a confirmed book idea, followed by the excitement from those around you, which only increases as the book develops and culminates with your big day (arrival of the book). You have friends and family who visit you at your launch or initial signing, but that is just the beginning. Now, the real work begins; you have to raise the baby (sell your book). And the terrible twos are just as frustrating with book sales.
Admittedly, as an outsider, it seems so simple to be an author now. Everyone is doing it, seemingly so successfully! Looks can be deceiving. Several authors I’ve met have meager royalties, like $1 per book! It’s also quite expensive for new sellers to be discovered on established online platforms (ads). There are so many unexpected costs and sleepless nights associated with being an entrepreneur of any sort, including a writer. Some investments pay off, while others don’t.
You can support local entrepreneurs, first and foremost, through purchases. If your favorite author sells the books on multiple platforms, they usually make more money from the book if you order through their website. If you need it delivered the next day, go through one of the platforms that can do that, but if there’s no rush, order from their site. If it’s a book you love, order multiple copies or put it on a short list of gifts for special occasions: birthdays, baby showers, baptisms, anniversaries, or condolences. Recommend it to friends, family, or coworkers looking for gifts.
Leave reviews on multiple platforms. Any written feedback is exponentially more important than only leaving 5 stars. If you don’t have time to write, leave the stars and plan to spend a day adding written reviews, schedule a task on your calendar, and quarterly write reviews for books you’ve read. Share what you would say when recommending it to a friend! Be honest but not cruel. If there’s something you didn’t like, it’s okay to share that, but in a way that offers constructive criticism, not hurtful remarks. It is acceptable and appreciated when you share your review on multiple platforms.
Engage with Social Media posts that resonate with you. If you read it and like it, leave a comment. If you love it, share it with others who may as well.
Regardless of how insignificant you think your opinion is, share it. Recently, I had lunch with a friend who shared that she read my children’s book 3-4 times a week with her daughter, and as a result, she knows the American Sign Language alphabet and her daughter is learning it. Had she not shared that, I’d have no idea how much it enhances her life. I thought it was a good idea to include it and hoped that people would learn it, but until it’s verified, your favorite author has no idea of the impact on your life. Believe me when I tell you authors appreciate it!
I discover so many books through online groups, and I hope the people who rave about them there also share their reviews on sites that benefit the authors. Here’s an opportunity to meet multiple authors in person tonight! If you read it later, visit the author’s websites to learn more about them.